Friday, June 19, 2009

Europeans have a better figure than Americans

I was born at 8 lbs. & 6 oz. As an infant, sometimes I looked fat. As a toddler, sometimes I looked chubby. Overall, though, I lacked the chubby figure. I wasn't as thin as my mom was as a child, but I was the thinnest one often. Puberty hit hard, like being depressed, though, kinda saggy but not lacking in body parts, like not bulimic.

So, do you think people with taller parents have more body mass? In ballet, they said Europeans didn't have problems like Americans being too bony or that they were slimmer. Actually, I find that overly active ballerinas are always ugly. I did quit and never did too much as overdoing like adult ballet steps isn't healthy.

My theory is that people from England, Scotland, and the other countries, any country in Europe are bigger than white/colored Americans. Americans may be fatter and out of shape, but they lack retaining the human body's form like in the real world. I have a lot of problems, myself, and it's not my fault. I'm slowly getting better. I get startled too easily and I have nothing to do. I did well in school and had fun before I decided to go on sabbatical, but now I'm just reflecting on things I don't have because I live in the states. We tend to be worn and some of us look false. The people who look false tend to think they're more European. Like, maybe the excuse for looking flatter and more plastic than a Barbie is that they're just Norse blood and programming built in them with that sorta non-communicative front, not to say that stereotype would even exist. I bet that Italians in Italy don't feel colored and that people of other races can't constantly bicker at those who are American here like that.

Like, people in the US don't communicate well and learn through experience, whereas in the real world you make decisions and make mistakes. In Europe, it's perfectly normal to "be" more than is apparent from the US. In school, people just seemed to base life on expectations. I find that it's a big deal in the US trying to get out of the house and getting depressed.

Can we just then admit that some people in the US get depressed from those around them and that people in Europe have more body mass. It could be anything. It's certain kinds of muscle, maybe smoother stronger muscles. I'm an artist and don't believe for a second it's that simple that it could be just more muscle but less testosterone. No, it has to be more complicated. People with egg-shaped finger joints is one thing, as well.

People take for granted with race that it's something that has existed forever. We don't know what Italians really looked like, though. We don't know that the Chinese are all different and aren't racist..

I'm 5'3". So, someone in Europe wouldn't be much larger than myself but be taller and probably slimmer but likely not as like specific. Most Americans are less specific and obviously either more exotic, mysterious. Still, though, I assume that someone of a similar stature if that exists would be probably like me with a tight thick butt. They would probably have vacuum-hard arms if they're thin like me. I'm catching up on rest here, as well. I don't know what's wrong with it here. People say I talk a lot but they think they're okay and talk to others. They say I'm quiet, too, though. I'm the quiet cat. I don't see exactly what's not interesting about what I say.

Okay. Okay. So, I'm on a schedule. I'm trying to finish some TV series. I'm having problems pooing right now. (What else? Really.) Okay, not anymore.

I wish I had a different life, really, but you have to admit I had a life before posting online. It's strange. I wonder if kids born earlier got online sooner because of the 90s hypes. With me, I really had a life is the thing.

Isn't that sick, though? People in the US mess up their lives but learn to find who they are in interesting ways I don't get. Like, why isn't anyone "into Tim Burton?" Are they wondering if he's not as white as AnnaSophia Robb? I don't think not. I can guarantee people in Europe have chosen the right lifestyle. For them, they get enough rest and pleasure and sleep and eat. I felt stunted growing up by my whimpy friends, though I was tall.

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