Friday, June 19, 2009

Hair Mystery

So, obviously I am not into two-toned hair. I honestly can fathom red on black. I like some guys with the light brown hair. Even if their hair changes tones, I need to have some goal in mind. Something that would work out for me would be to have black hair, but that only works out with guys with black/maroon hair. That's why I don't care. I think that a strong color is also something. Like, what if I dyed it real white goth? That's different than white blonde hair. That's another idea I think I want. I might just save some money and just get something really white. The thing that's wrong is I do want the sparkles. They used to sell that you know. So, I can rule out silver because that's sorta a white effect. White and honey is another good one, though. Hum. It looks like I need some roots. I mean after all it would look fake to go all white to me if I don't straighten it. The orange is interesting. It's just that it's too much to mix up a red. The reds look so fake, too. So, on second thought, now I have to mix red, white, and honey. The problem is the roots. I'm pretty serious with it, though. The thing is white is pretty strict. White on gold is another real option, though. Okay, so white isn't just a highlight. Roots to me aren't just black and also they aren't honey coated. It seems they don't sell deep red. I could always try to dye my roots a reddish honey. So, I'll just step back and think of my hair texture. Now, I think I'll dye it honey blonde to get the right guys. I just want to get one color, but I know about mixing just the problem of the brands. Not much online. Anyway white blonde can look tacky apparently. I'm kinda serious, though, and think I'll see what they have. Like it seems tacky to make a red base. Maybe I should just dye it white for now. I just don't know what order to do it in. Technically, it's 4 colors. I should hold off on the dark recoloring. I should get orange, strawberry blonde, gold, and white. So, first I'll try orange, then strawberry blonde, then light gold, then white. If they have glitter or cream, I'll get it. I'll peruse the aisle for smoothening beatings maybe. I know it's good for your hair. Flat out straightener, though, wouldn't really help me out. I think I'll sit out on that. I already use stuff for it. I'll go back next time. My hair is short, so there'll easily be enough. I just need the 4 little bottles to mix it in as I go along. Something tells me though maybe I'll get a base dark red, yea. So, what, is that 5? Since that depends, I probably will just be orange. If there is a good red there, I will consider just getting one. Easily, though, I can get $50 of it. Since I'm getting bottles, I think it won't hurt. I'll just play around and probably get tired, though. I think I even have to wait until I go, then. It's really annoying for some reason. I should probably just get light reddish honey. I'm good with that anyway. I think I'll try just getting one.

Well no mystery left there. I also wanted to look like Alice in Wonderland, but my hair is too short, anyway, so I think I'll just pass. On second thought no I think I'll just get white. My hair is pretty shiny anyway. I don't feel like mixing red. I guess. The point is I'll get some cute outfit to look like Alice kinda. Hey, how about if I just got dark red and white? 2 is a standard. I think that I'll do. Hm, I want the brightest white though to look like Alice. I guess I need to chose either red or strawberry blonde. Hm, maybe I'll just get white then. It's just too much. I can paint real tints for a project, but I'm too busy with Alice. Let's hope it's tonight. I'll see if the house is quiet. If it is, I'll get in the tub and ask my dad maybe to go out. It's more likely I'll wait though and it'll be when I'm done with a lot of the TV and maybe the Netflix stuff for now.

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